Art Director, Creative Technologist


Female Emerald Visionary Concept Art



value_variantsOriginal Design and Value Studies


Hello!  Here is a new piece in progress, created during an awesome 3 day long workshop.

The character is an Emerald Visionary (or seer, from the original brief) who has a hummingbird familiar.  She is a hired visionary for the royal court, and gets compensated greatly for her services.  Blind herself, her visions come through a magical connection with her emerald brooch.  Her familiar fetches the brooch by unlatching her necklace and placing it in her hand when she needs to see.  She also follows the sound of the hummingbird to know where she needs to be, using her familiar as her guide.

The workshop was super awesome and focused on 2D Concept Design with several amazing artists both teaching and in attendance!  More info about TLC Workshops and the course instructors can be found here.  :)

Hope those stateside are having a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!  Best wishes for the rest of the week.